At Cor Blaugrana we like to act. In this section we present a summary of our latest actions. Our goal is that members are respected within the Club, not only by the next board of directors, that will eventually be elected, but also by the interim board.
Our latest actions comprise sending documents to the interim board, in order to get explanations for several situations. The last one was intended to understand the dangerous economic situation the Club has fallen into. Club’s financial statemen has not been delivered to members yet, so all we know about the situation is the information we read in the press.
We want to understand how we got here and also, what was the role of the current interim board in it. Their members, especially its president, Mr. Carles Tusquets, have been long term members of the Economic Commission under Bartomeu presidency. This Commission had the responsibility to advise the board about economic situations and decisions. Since the Club is nearly in bankruptcy, with this letter, we demand to know what was the role of these people in the current state of the Club.
If you want to read this letter, please click here
More so, here we present you our latests actions:
December, 3rd 2020
Document asking clarification on Tusquet’s words, regarding non payment of dubtous invoices.

November, 17th 2020
Letter asking for latest reports from Economic Commission, submitted to the previous board, warning of the economic situation of the Club.

November 7th, 2020
Transfer complaint against Bartomeu to the interim board + demand access to due diligence related to the social media scandal (i3 Ventures) + contract termination of J. Masferrer

October 27th, 2020
Complaint against JM Bartomeu and executives Marta Plana and Jordi Argemí, as of breach of art. 74 (delay the vote of censorship) and to Compliance Office, to start an investigation about alleged corporate crimes