FC Barcelona is in a serious situation of institutional paralisis. The elections have been postponed, so it is necessary for members and groups to propose new ways to actually hold elections with safety. They cannot be postponed again. This needs comes from the fact that the Interim board has been uncapable of finding a solution, even when Catalan elections will be held anyway -a much more massive process-. The main function of this board was to call and organize elections, and they have failed in it every step of the way.
This fridat, from El Cor Blaugrana we sent an urgent document to the Board, with a proposal. We propose having more polling stations, distributed all over Catalunya, in order to garantee the elections will be held on March 7th. This initiative, that we called #MultiseusFCB, is born from the urgent need to secure the electoral process and to have an elected president as soon as possible, who must be elected with maximum participation. There are no excuses, not even sanitary, to keep delaying the elections.
From the evolution of the pandemic in Catalunya, it is very likely that, by March, movement restrictions will be less strict. This led us to present to options:
1- One polling station electoral in each of the 42 counties (comarques) in Catalunya. With this strategy, it is possible to guarantee a possibility to vote for all Barça members in Catalunya (93% of total).
2- Considering that 83% of members live in Barcelona province, we think that having 11 polling stations, one in each of Barcelona counties, the participation rates will be significantly better than with just six proposed by the board.
This proposal complements the mail vote, and it is intended for the majority of members that have not opted for that mecanism.
We think this proposal is completely doable and there is sufficient time to implement. We are aware of the challenges of the pandemic, but they have been addressed in many countries (Catalunya too, holding general elections in february), where democracy has not been put on hold. Nor the pandemic nor the cost of the process should be reasons to have less participation in our elections.
Help us spread the word on social media using the HT #MultiseusFCB!
We have also sent this proposal to candidates Jan Laporta and Víctor Font, asking their support to this initiative through our hashtag #MultiseusFCB
Visca el Barça, visca Catalunya, and elections now!
You can red the complete document sent to FC Barcelona here. (catalan version)
Check out our Twitter to read comments on this initiative.